In writing we will focus on using the 6-traits. Please see the "6-Trait" Tab for more information. One trait will be introduced at a time to enhance our writing. I will introduce the traits through mini-lessons using various picture books. Students will be responding to these mini-lessons in a composition writing notebook.


In addition to the 6-traits, students will work on the writing process and different modes of writing, especially descriptive. They will be doing a practice assessment over descriptive writing in both the Fall and Spring. Some of the writing won't necessarily be completed in writing class, but in other subject areas.


Throughout the year students will be asked to turn in writing papers, book project questions, and other assignments in final draft format.  The requirements for this are listed to the right.  If for any reason your printer is not working, please e-mail the document as an attachment to me at:


  Final Draft Format

1. Typed

2. Black ink

3. Double-spaced

4. Times New Roman , Comic Sans, or Arial

5. Font size no larger than 12

6. Standard Margins












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