This is the website that goes along with our vocabulary series. The website contains great games to help your child review their vocabulary words. Fifth grade is level blue.
We will have a vocabulary test every two weeks! Please use that time to study your twelve words!
1. Written Repetition - copy the word and/or its definition a number
of times on paper.
2. Oral Repetition - Read the word and its definition aloud a number
of times.
3. Art - Draw a picture next to the word.
4. Visualization - Imagine an image with the word or first letter.
5. Association - Make up a story about the word(s), or associate an
idea or a part of the word with its meaning.
6. Dramatization - Act out the word physically.
7. Music - Write a rap or song about it.
8. Computers - Type the word and its definition into a computer.
9. Write a story about the words.
10. Study and quiz each other with a partner.
11. Post-itsTake 5-10 words you need to learn. Write each one on a post-it, if possible with a picture or symbol. Stick your post-its around your home – anywhere is fine, as long as you will see your words regularly.